Bryan Cogman

Bryan Cogman
Movie and TV Credits

Bryan Cogman was born on July 25, 1979 and is currently 44 years old.

Movie Credits

Bryan Cogman has appeared in 1 movie.

These include Game of Thrones: The Last Watch.

TV Credits

Bryan Cogman has appeared in 2 TV Series.

These include Game of Thrones and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

Production Credits

Bryan Cogman has 8 production credits.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - The Sword in the Stone.
Credited for Story Editor in 1 show - Game of Thrones.
Credited for Writer in 1 show - Game of Thrones.


Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Zorro.
Credited for Co-Producer in 1 show - Game of Thrones.
Credited for Co-Executive Producer in 1 show - Game of Thrones.
Credited for Producer in 1 show - Game of Thrones.
Credited for Supervising Producer in 1 show - Game of Thrones.