Brian Jordan Alvarez

Brian Jordan Alvarez
Movie and TV Credits

Brian Jordan Alvarez was born on July 10, 1987 and is currently 36 years old.

About Brian Jordan Alvarez

Brian Jordan Alvarez is an American film actor, writer and director.

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Movie Credits

Brian Jordan Alvarez has appeared in 14 movies.

Some of Brian Jordan Alvarez's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Brian Jordan Alvarez has appeared in 9 TV Series.

These include The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo, Go-Go Boy Interrupted, Special, RocketJump: The Show, Life in Pieces, Will & Grace, Get Shorty, Jane the Virgin and 2 Broke Girls.

Production Credits

Brian Jordan Alvarez has 22 production credits.





Credited for Original Music Composer in 1 show - Everything Is Free.
Credited for Music in 1 show - Grandmother's Gold.


Credited for Story in 1 show - Webseries: The Movie.
Credited for Characters in 1 show - Webseries: The Movie.
Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - How to Be a Slut in America.


Credited for Creator in 1 show - The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo.