Barry Hanley

Barry Hanley
Movie and TV Credits

About Barry Hanley

Barry Hanley is an aspiring stuntman/actor from Tuam, Co. Galway, Ireland. Hanley was a huge fan of 'The Fall Guy' with Lee Majors as a young lad in Ireland. He comes from a boxing, kickboxing and rugby background. If someone told him that he'd be hitting the dirt on the screen for a living in reality like Colt Seavers on his beloved 'Fall Guy' he'd have questioned their sanity. Hanley feels enormously privileged to have had the opportunity to work for and with some real legends from the thespian sphere and the daredevil world of stunts.

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Movie Credits

Barry Hanley has appeared in 6 movies.

These include Takeover, The Reckoning, Army of One, Pursuit, The Commando and Big George Foreman.

Production Credits

Barry Hanley has 2 production credits.


Credited for Stunts in 2 shows - Baywatch and Loki.