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Axel Milberg
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TV Credits
Axel Milberg has appeared in 28 TV shows.
Released in the 2010s
Im Leben von …
Released in the 2000s
Deutschland, deine Künstler
Menschen bei Maischberger
Menschen der Woche
Released in the 1990s
Die Johannes B. Kerner Show
Der König
Released in the 1980s
Bayerischer Fernsehpreis (Blauer Panther)
Released in the 1970s
Kölner Treff
III nach neun
Released in the 1960s
Released in the 1940s
Released in the 2010s
Released in the 2000s
Released in the 1990s
Released in the 1980s
Released in the 1970s
Released in the 1960s
Released in the 1940s