Derrick is a highly acclaimed and popular German television series that aired from 1974 to 1998, making it one of the longest-running series in the history of German television. Produced by Telenova Film und Fernsehproduktion in association with ZDF, ORF, and SRG, the show is a classic example of the crime and investigation genre. The series is set in Munich and its surroundings and follows the exploits of Detective Chief Inspector Stephan Derrick and his loyal assistant, Inspector Harry Klein, as they solve intriguing murder cases.
The show's two main characters, Stephan Derrick and Harry Klein, are the heart and soul of the series. Horst Tappert, a renowned German actor, plays the role of Stephan Derrick with great finesse and subtlety. Derrick is a seasoned detective with an uncanny ability to solve even the most complex murder cases. He is a quiet, contemplative man who relies on his intuition and experience to get to the bottom of things. Fritz Wepper, another well-known German actor, plays the role of Harry Klein, Derrick's trusted assistant. Klein is a young, energetic detective who looks up to Derrick as a mentor and friend. Together, the duo makes a formidable team, using their wit, intelligence, and deductive skills to solve crimes and bring criminals to justice.
Derrick is a show that has stood the test of time, thanks to its engaging storylines, complex characters, and high production values. The series is known for its slow-burning pace, which allows for deep character development and careful plot construction. The show's writers were masters of suspense, creating intricate narratives that kept viewers on the edge of their seats. The series also boasts of excellent cinematography, with Munich's beautiful landscapes and landmarks serving as the perfect backdrop for the show's dark and moody atmosphere. With its unique blend of drama, mystery, and psychological intrigue, Derrick is a must-watch for fans of the crime and investigation genre.
Iris Berben was born on August 12, 1950 and is currently 74 years old.
See Iris Berben's other roles →Sunnyi Melles (born 7 October 1958) is a Hungarian-Swiss actress. She is the daughter of Austrian orchestral conducto...
See Sunnyi Melles's other roles →Thomas Kretschmann (born September 8, 1962) is a German actor best known for playing Leutnant Hans Von Witzland in th...
See Thomas Kretschmann's other roles →