Alexandra Swarens

Alexandra Swarens
Movie and TV Credits

Alexandra Swarens was born on August 8, 1989 and is currently 35 years old.

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Movie Credits

Alexandra Swarens has appeared in 10 movies.

These include Looking for Her, City of Trees, Spring, Mother's Red Dress, In the Clouds, With Love, Over Easy, Steady State, Strangers & Lovers and Superbloom.

TV Credits

Alexandra Swarens has appeared in 2 TV Series.

These include The Fortnight and NCIS.

Production Credits

Alexandra Swarens has 24 production credits.



Credited for Editor in 1 show - Looking for Her.


Credited for Executive Producer in 2 shows - City of Trees and Spring.
Credited for Producer in 1 show - Looking for Her.
