Alex Ross Perry

Alex Ross Perry
Movie and TV Credits

Movie Credits

Alex Ross Perry has appeared in 7 movies.

These include The Last Film, Paul Schrader: Man in a Room, Honky Kong, 90 Years of the Music Box Theatre, At the Video Store, 7 Chinese Brothers and Tiny Furniture.

TV Credits

Alex Ross Perry has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Easy.

Production Credits

Alex Ross Perry has 20 production credits.


Credited for Screenplay in 3 shows - Queen of Earth, Christopher Robin and Her Smell.
Credited for Dialogue in 1 show - The Last Film.
Credited for Writer in 3 shows - Listen Up Philip, Golden Exits and Nostalgia.
Credited for Story in 1 show - Nostalgia.



Credited for Thanks in 1 show - Sun Don't Shine.


Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Nostalgia.
Credited for Producer in 3 shows - Queen of Earth, Golden Exits and Her Smell.