Alejandro Bazzano

Alejandro Bazzano
Movie and TV Credits

Alejandro Bazzano was born on October 13, 1963 and is currently 60 years old.

About Alejandro Bazzano

Alejandro Bazzano is a Cuban-Uruguayan director and producer, who started his career with the documentary "Atahualpa, Pájaro de la Dicha" (1993) and the fiction film "Subterráneos" (1996) to later dedicate to television work, including the TV Show Money Heist.

TV Credits

Alejandro Bazzano has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Money Heist.

Production Credits

Alejandro Bazzano has 20 production credits.



Credited for Editor in 2 shows - Atahualpa, Bird of Fulfilment and Subterraneos.


Credited for Producer in 2 shows - Atahualpa, Bird of Fulfilment and Subterraneos.
Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Atahualpa, Bird of Fulfilment.
Credited for Executive Co-Producer in 1 show - Victim Number 8.


Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Subterraneos.