About Alan Tudyk
Meet Alan Wray Tudyk, a talented American actor born on March 16, 1971. Tudyk has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry with his memorable roles in both movies and television series. Some of his notable performances include his portrayal of Simon in the British comedy "Death at a Funeral," Steve the Pirate in the sports comedy "DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story," Sonny in the science fiction drama "I, Robot," and Hoban "Wash" Washburne in the popular science fiction and western series "Firefly" and its follow-up movie "Serenity." Tudyk's versatility and charm have won over audiences and critics alike, making him a beloved figure in the entertainment world.
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Movie Credits
Alan Tudyk has appeared in 67 movies.
Alan Tudyk's most popular movies include:TV Credits
Alan Tudyk has appeared in 51 shows.
Some of the most popular TV Shows include: