Cast and Crew of Overflow



In the captivating movie "Overflow," the story revolves around Kazushi Sudou, a male college student whose life takes a surprising turn when he reunites with his childhood friends, the Shirakawa sisters. The narrative beautifully weaves together friendship, nostalgia, and the complexities of young adulthood. These childhood bonds are tested and explored as Kazushi navigates his feelings and the dynamics of his relationships with the two sisters, Kotone and Ayane Shirakawa, whose voices are brought to life by talented voice actresses Mitsu Anzu and Tomoe Tamiyasu, respectively.

The story takes an unexpected twist when circumstances lead Kazushi and the Shirakawa sisters to find themselves in an intimate setting—a shared bath. This scenario serves as a backdrop for a deeper exploration of the characters' emotions and the tension that arises from their long-standing friendships. The film cleverly balances moments of humor and vulnerability, as Kazushi grapples with his feelings amidst the playful banter and camaraderie he shares with the sisters. The bath scene, while seemingly light-hearted, sets the stage for significant character development and an exploration of themes related to trust, personal boundaries, and the transition from childhood innocence to adult complexities.

As the plot unfolds, "Overflow" immerses viewers in a rich tapestry of experiences that capture the essence of growing up and the intricacies of human relationships. Through heartfelt exchanges and humorous situations, the film invites the audience to reflect on their own friendships and the evolution they undergo over time. With exemplary voice performances by Mitsu Anzu and Tomoe Tamiyasu, the film beautifully illustrates how shared experiences, even in the most unexpected circumstances, can lead to profound connections and self-discovery. As the characters navigate their emotions and rediscover their bonds, "Overflow" promises to resonate with anyone who has ever found themselves at the crossroads of friendship and love.

Full Cast of Overflow

Crew of Overflow

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