Cast of
On My Own

About On My Own

  • Released on September 02, 1993
  • Drama

Simon Henderson is at boarding school in Canada while his father works in Hong Kong, and his mother lives in England. When his parents visit him in the holidays, Simon discovers that his mother has schizophrenia.

Full Cast of On My Own

Matthew Ferguson
plays Simon Henderson

Judy Davis
plays The Mother

Judy Davis as The Mother

Judy Davis (born 23 April 1955) is an Australian actress best known for her roles in Husbands and Wives, Barton Fink,...

See Judy Davis's other roles

David McIlwraith
plays The Father

Jan Rubeš
plays The Colonel

Michele Melega
plays Shamas

Colin Fox
plays Palter

Nicolas Van Burek
plays Max Cobb

Rachel Blanchard
plays Tania

Lanna MacKay
plays Evi

Michael Polley
plays Soccer Coach

Crew of On My Own

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