Cast and Crew of Oddity

Cast of

About Oddity

After the brutal murder of her twin sister, Darcy goes after those responsible by using haunted items as her tools for revenge.

Full Cast of Oddity

Carolyn Bracken
plays Dani Timmis / Darcy Odello

Jonathan French
plays Declan Barrett

Steve Wall
plays Ivan

Steve Wall as Ivan

An Irish Singer, Musician, Actor. Known as the lead singer and songwriter with legendary Irish bands The Walls and Th...

See Steve Wall's other roles

Joe Rooney
plays Bernie

Gwilym Lee
plays Ted Timmis

Gwilym Lee as Ted Timmis

Gwilym Lee (born 24 November 1983) is a Welsh actor. He is best known for his film roles in Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) ...

See Gwilym Lee's other roles

Tadhg Murphy
plays Olin Boole

Caroline Menton
plays Yana

Shane Whitaker

Ivan de Wergifosse
plays Wooden Man

Shane Whisker
plays Bellboy

Josuha Campbell
plays Patient

Austin Lawlor
plays Patient

Peter McCarthy
plays Patient

Fiach McHugh
plays Patient

Patrick Mullins
plays Patient

Jim O'Donnell
plays Patient

Inma Pavon
plays Nurse

Leticia Lopez Ramos
plays Nurse

Chris Mudrack
plays Orderly

Eileen McCarthy
plays Cleaner

Pete McCarthy
plays Olin Boole Double

Robert Collender
plays Ivan Double

Evan Horan
plays Weatherman

Crew of Oddity

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