Cast and Crew of Oceans Rising

Cast of
Oceans Rising

About Oceans Rising

A scientist readies a boat after his warnings of an Earth-destroying flood are ignored. However, after the disasters reach a peak level of destruction those who maligned the scientist now turn to him in desperation, as he and other refugees look to save the world and stop the disaster using the two Supercolliders on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

Full Cast of Oceans Rising

Jason Tobias
plays Josh

Summer Spiro
plays Pam

Annabel Barrett
plays Molly

Gustavo Escobar
plays Ron

DeJean Brown
plays Earl

Ronak Gandhi
plays Cern Assistant

Jeff Harms
plays Nick

Cedric Jonathan
plays Rob

Daron McFarland
plays Brookhaven Scientist

Paola Menacho
plays Marjorie

Arthur Roberts
plays Mel

Paul Statman
plays Dr. Zicree

Born, raised, and educated in England, at age seventeen Paul continued his life education and experience in Europe an...

See Paul Statman's other roles

Kim Nielsen
plays President of the United States

Crew of Oceans Rising

Discover the backstage crew of Oceans Rising →