Cast and Crew of No One Writes to the Colonel

Cast of
No One Writes to the Colonel

About No One Writes to the Colonel

  • Released on June 02, 1999
  • Drama

Every Friday, the Colonel puts on his only suit and goes to the dock to await a letter announcing the arrival of his pension. But the townsfolk all know that this pension will never come. His wife also knows it, and even he knows it. But he is still waiting, living with the pain of the death of his son.

Full Cast of No One Writes to the Colonel

Fernando Luján
plays El coronel

Marisa Paredes
plays Lola

Salma Hayek Pinault
plays Julia

Salma Hayek Pinault as Julia

Salma Hayek Pinault (born Salma Valgarma Hayek Jiménez; September 2, 1966) is a Mexican and American actress and prod...

See Salma Hayek Pinault's other roles

Rafael Inclán
plays Padre Ángel

Ernesto Yáñez
plays Don Sabas

Daniel Giménez Cacho
plays Nogales

Esteban Soberanes
plays Germán

Patricia Reyes Spíndola
plays Jacinta

Patricia Reyes Spíndola as Jacinta

Patricia Verónica Núñez Reyes Spíndola (born 11 July 1953) is a Mexican actress, director and producer in films, TV s...

See Patricia Reyes Spíndola's other roles

Odiseo Bichir
plays Dr. Pardo

Julián Pastor
plays Lugones

Eugenio Lobo
plays Álvaro

Crew of No One Writes to the Colonel

Discover the backstage crew of No One Writes to the Colonel →