Based on true events, "Nitram" lives with his parents in suburban Australia in the mid-90s. He lives a life of isolation and frustration at never fitting in. As his anger grows, he begins a slow descent into a nightmare that culminates in the most heinous of acts.
Caleb Landry Jones (born, December 7, 1989) is an American actor, known for Antiviral (2012), Contraband (2012), X-M...
See Caleb Landry Jones's other roles →Judy Davis (born 23 April 1955) is an Australian actress best known for her roles in Husbands and Wives, Barton Fink,...
See Judy Davis's other roles →Anthony LaPaglia (/ləˈpɑːliə/, Italian pronunciation: [laˈpaʎʎa]; born 31 January 1959) is an Australian actor. He is...
See Anthony LaPaglia's other roles →