Cast of
Night Hunter

About Night Hunter

Jack Cutter is the last in long line of vampire hunters. After killing few vampires in one L.A. restaurant, he is chased both by police and by other vampires. In the process he meets an attractive woman-reporter.

Full Cast of Night Hunter

Don Wilson
plays Jack Cutter

Melanie Smith
plays Raimy Baker

James Lew
plays Tom Cutter

Vincent Klyn
plays Sangster

Ron Yuan
plays Hashimoto

Sophia M. Crawford
plays Carmella

Nicholas Guest
plays Bruno Fischer

Sid Sham
plays Sid O'Mack

Cash Casey
plays Detective Browning

Maria Ford
plays Jacqueline Tournier

Michael Cavanaugh
plays Roy Ward

Vince Murdocco
plays Curt Argento

Vince Murdocco as Curt Argento

Vince Murdocco is a Canadian actor, stunt man, and a former North American cruiserweight champion.

See Vince Murdocco's other roles

Marcus Aurelius
plays Detective Hooper

David "Shark" Fralick
plays Ulmer

Art Camacho
plays Cop Translator

Crew of Night Hunter

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