Set in 1996 in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young girl Rae, who has just left a psychiatric hospital, where she has spent four months after attempting suicide, begins to reconnect with her best friend Chloe and her group, who are unaware of Rae's mental health and body image problems, believing she was in France for the past four months.
Ian Hart (born Ian Davies) is an English stage, television, and screen actor.
See Ian Hart's other roles →Karl Davies was born on August 6, 1982 and is currently 41 years old.
See Karl Davies's other roles →Faye Marsay (born 30 December 1986) is an English stage and screen actress, best known for her roles in TV series su...
See Faye Marsay's other roles →Nico Cristian Mirallegro is an English actor who played the role of Barry "Newt" Newton in the British soap opera Hol...
See Nico Mirallegro's other roles →Scottish actress best known for the lead role of Rae in Channel 4's My Mad Fat Diary, as Dawn in ITV's Brief Encounte...
See Sharon Rooney's other roles →Claire Rushbrook is a British stage, film and television actress. She studied Acting at Rose Bruford College of Theat...
See Claire Rushbrook's other roles →James Eeles is an American actor.
See James Eeles's other roles →Tony Pitts is an actor, screenwriter and playwright. Born in Sheffield, Pitts originally intended to become a physici...
See Tony Pitts's other roles →