Cast and Crew of Mrs Lowry & Son

Cast of
Mrs Lowry & Son

About Mrs Lowry & Son

  • Released on August 30, 2019
  • Drama

An intimate portrayal of the relationship between one of greatest artists of the 20th century, L.S. Lowry and his unhappy and controlling mother, Elizabeth, whom he lived with all his life.

Full Cast of Mrs Lowry & Son

Vanessa Redgrave
plays Elizabeth Lowry

Vanessa Redgrave as Elizabeth Lowry

Vanessa Redgrave CBE (born 30 January 1937) is an English actress and political activist. Redgrave rose to prominenc...

See Vanessa Redgrave's other roles

Timothy Spall
plays L.S. Lowry

Wendy Morgan
plays Mrs Stanhope

Stephen Lord
plays Mr Stanhope

David Schaal
plays Stanley Allcot

Joanne Pearce
plays Vera Allcot

Michael Keogh
plays Mr Lowry

Ania Marson
plays Bearded Woman

Ania Marson as Bearded Woman

Ania Marson was born on May 22, 1949 and is currently 75 years old.

See Ania Marson's other roles

Rose Noble
plays Young Elizabeth

Katie Marie Carter
plays Telephone Box Lady

John Furlong
plays Drunk Man

Giselle Cullinane
plays Bucket Woman

Amanda Higson
plays Woman At Window

Alex Thornton
plays Young Urchin Boy

Jennifer Banks
plays Old Woman

Laurence Mills
plays Young Laurie

Crew of Mrs Lowry & Son

Discover the backstage crew of Mrs Lowry & Son →