Small-town detective Noah Cordin is called to solve a juvenile homicide that occurred during a home burglary in his affluent town of Hilliard. The dead boy's mother, Allison Connor, is a member of the Meskada County Board of Commissioners, and a powerful woman in Hilliard; and the entire township rallies together in solidarity - to support her and Detective Cordin's efforts to find the killers.
Nick Stahl (born December 5, 1979) is an American actor. Starting out as a child actor, he gained recognition for his...
Rachel Emily Nichols (born January 8, 1980 height 5' 10" (1,78 m) ) is an American actress and model. Nichols began m...
Laura Benanti (born July 15, 1979) is an American actress and singer. Over the course of her Broadway career, she ha...
Michael Cerveris (born November 6, 1960) is an American singer, guitarist and actor. He has performed in many stage m...
Norman Mark Reedus (born January 6, 1969) is an American actor, voice actor, television host, and model. Reedus is kn...