Mark Twain is a documentary film on the life of Mark Twain also known as Samuel Clements produced by Ken Burns in 2001. Burns captures both the public and private persona of Mark Twain from his birth to his death. The film was narrated by Keith David and the voice of Mark Twain was provided by Kevin Conway.
Keith David (born June 4, 1955) is an American film, television, and voice actor, and singer. He is perhaps most know...
Amy Marie Madigan (born September 11, 1950) is an American actress who is known for her role as Annie Kinsella in the...
Cynthia Ellen Nixon (born April 9, 1966) is an American actress, activist, and theater director. For her portrayal of...
Harold Rowe Holbrook Jr. (February 17, 1925 – January 23, 2021) was an American actor, television director, and write...