Cast and Crew of Maria's Tale

Cast of
Maria's Tale

About Maria's Tale

  • Released on November 12, 2018
  • Horror

YouTube sensation Maria strives to offer her audience the best coverage of local events. Gone are her days of covering the local pie eating contest and best pig-in-show. On to bigger and better things, the eager film crew investigates an abandoned mental asylum. Unfortunately, Maria and her crew are themselves about to become the subjects of this horrific story.

Full Cast of Maria's Tale

Eoin Connolly
plays Georgina (in short)

Zachary Chase
plays Mario

Michael Ciesla
plays George 'Georgina'

Bee Davies
plays J. (Jenny)

Claudia DuPont
plays Christina Samuels

Robert Elardo
plays Cesar

Nicholas M. Garofolo
plays Nicholas Hart

Joel Hair
plays Jake

Saorise Stuhr
plays Maria Ondropolus

Joseph D. Surico
plays Priest

Crew of Maria's Tale

Discover the backstage crew of Maria's Tale →