Cast and Crew of Magic Lantern

Cast of
Magic Lantern

About Magic Lantern

  • Released on September 07, 2018
  • Drama

At a theater readying for digital conversion, 22-year-old projectionist Mitch inserts himself into the tragic love story that unspools on the screen. He sets out to find the missing woman in a dreamscape Los Angeles, in a film about love, obsession and movies.

Full Cast of Magic Lantern

Monk Serrell Freed
plays Mitch

Sophie Lane Curtis
plays Gretchen

Robert Beltran
plays Ed

Jacqueline Bisset
plays Mary

Jacqueline Bisset as Mary

Jacqueline Bisset (born 13 September 1944) is an English actress. She has been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards...

See Jacqueline Bisset's other roles

James Jagger
plays Steve

Brandon Sklenar
plays Austin

Brandon Sklenar as Austin

Brandon Sklenar is an American actor best known for Mapplethorpe and Vice.

See Brandon Sklenar's other roles

Ella Edwards
plays Waitress

Jeannie Elise Mai
plays Space Girl

Crew of Magic Lantern

Discover the backstage crew of Magic Lantern →