Cast and Crew of Looking for Grace

Cast of
Looking for Grace

About Looking for Grace

  • Released on January 26, 2016
  • Drama

When rebellious 16-year-old Grace takes off, her exasperated mum and dad enlist the help of a close-to-retirement detective, and begin the long drive from Perth out to the West Australian wheatbelt to try to find her. On the journey, the two must confront the realities of their changing relationship to one another, and to their daughter…

Full Cast of Looking for Grace

Radha Mitchell
plays Denise

Radha Mitchell as Denise

Radha Rani Amber Indigo Ananda Mitchell is an Australian actress. She started her career acting in various Australian...

See Radha Mitchell's other roles

Richard Roxburgh
plays Dan

Odessa Young
plays Grace

Terry Norris
plays Tom Norris

Julia Blake
plays Nell Norris

Kenya Pearson
plays Sappho

Myles Pollard
plays Bruce

Tasma Walton
plays Sandra

Harry Richardson
plays Jamie

Amanda Woodhams
plays Susie

Shirley Van Sanden
plays Rosemary

Gemma Willing
plays Anne

Holly Jones
plays Julie

Bailey Hester
plays Damien

Korum Ellis
plays Policeman

Roland van Zwol
plays Policeman

Rebecca Davis
plays Jenny

Crew of Looking for Grace

Discover the backstage crew of Looking for Grace →