L'ispettore Coliandro is a series of Italian tongue-in-cheek television movies directed by Marco Manetti and Antonio Manetti, and written by the crime writer Carlo Lucarelli and starring Giampaolo Morelli in the title role of the Inspector Coliandro. According to the actors and the directors, Coliandro is an Italian crime television series aimed "at young audiences." In fact this is probably so.
The policemen in Italian fiction and shows like Il commissario Montalbano are stalwart servants of the law, and usually save the day.
Inspector Coliandro saves the day also, but mostly by a combination "of luck and [his younger partner's] intuition." He is ignorant, crude, and despised by all his colleagues except this partner, who is the only one who view him the way he views himself: as a hero worthy of the good guys in American cop movies.
Fluent in several languages and trained as a dancer, Yamanouchi moved to Europe in the early 1970's and embarked on a...
Youma Diakite (born 1 May 1971), also known simply as Youma, is a Malian model, actress, television personality and s...
G-Max was born on July 30, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
Simone Ashwini Pillai (born 30 March 1995), known professionally as Simone Ashley, is a British actress. She is known...