Cast of

About KIN

  • Released on November 15, 2017
  • Drama

Jamie, 20, the older of two brothers, is midway through an attempt to extract younger brother Harry, 13, from the care home he himself was put through as a teenager. However, when Jamie's application for custody is rejected, his initial anger is gradually replaced with a difficult realisation.

Full Cast of KIN

Joseph Quinn
plays Jamie

Joseph Quinn as Jamie

Joseph Quinn is a British actor. He has appeared on British television in Dickensian, the miniseries Howards End and ...

See Joseph Quinn's other roles

Sunetra Sarker
plays Becky

Sunetra Sarker as Becky

Sunetra Sarker was born on June 25, 1973 and is currently 50 years old.

See Sunetra Sarker's other roles