"Justice League Dark" is an animated movie that boasts a star-studded voice cast, featuring Matt Ryan as John Constantine and Jason O'Mara portraying Bruce Wayne/Batman. Ryan reprises his role as the enigmatic and streetwise exorcist from the previous live-action series, while O'Mara brings to life the iconic billionaire-turned-vigilante who never backs down from a challenge. Together, along with other mystic superheroes, they form the unconventional super-team Justice League Dark.
As the movie unfolds, the world finds itself gripped by a wave of terrifying incidents. Innocent civilians across Metropolis, Gotham City, and elsewhere are inexplicably committing heinous crimes. Recognizing a threat that lies outside his understanding, Batman delves into the supernatural underworld to find the culprit behind this chaos. He's joined by an unlikely ally in John Constantine, who leads a motley crew of occult-based crime-fighters—the Justice League Dark.
Dubbed the "Dark" Justice League due to their unwavering confrontation of the supernatural, Constantine and his team members must unravel this mystifying case and put an end to the sinister forces at play. Their journey leads them to a powerful and malevolent villain, the mastermind behind the demonic siege on Earth. As evil's grasp tightens around the world, the team must uncover the truth behind this otherworldly plague before it's too late and humanity succumbs to darkness forever.
Matt Ryan (born 11 April 1981) is a Welsh actor from Swansea. He is known for voicing Edward Kenway in the Ubisoft vi...
Jason O'Mara (born August 6, 1972) is an Irish actor. He has starred in the American television network dramas In Jus...
Born and raised near London in Berkshire, England, Luddington's love of acting began when she started performing for ...
Rosario Isabel Dawson (born May 9, 1979) is an American actress and film producer. She made her feature-film debut in...
Jeremiah O'Connell (born February 17, 1974) is an American actor, director, and television personality. He is known f...
Alfred Molina (born 24 May 1953) is an English-American actor. He rose to fame on stage in the West End of London and...
Roger Cross is a Jamaican-born Canadian film and television actor, best known for playing recurring and leading telev...
Jeremy Davies (born October 8, 1969) is an American film and television actor. He is known for portraying the interpr...
Frederick "Fred" Tatasciore (born June 15, 1967) is an American voice actor. Tatasciore was born in New York City, N...
JB was born in Paris, France to an English mother and a French father. He moved with his mother to Yorkshire, England...
Jeffrey Vincent Parise is an American actor and artist. Some of his more notable roles include Asmodeus in Supernatur...
Colleen Ann O'Shaughnessey (born September 15, 1971) is an American voice actress. She is best known as the voice of ...