Cast of
Jimmy the Saint

About Jimmy the Saint

  • Released on May 03, 2017
  • Drama

A bag man for the Russian mob in Los Angeles must fight his way out when he crosses the line and falls for an innocent young prostitute caught up in the international sex trade.

Full Cast of Jimmy the Saint

Zach Hursh
plays Jimmy Delfino

Anne-Solenne Hatte
plays Kira

Brandon Breault
plays Anton

Christine Lakin
plays Petra

Christine Lakin as Petra

Christine Lakin  (born January 25, 1979) is an American actress. She is best known for her roles on Step by Step and ...

See Christine Lakin's other roles

Rob Norton
plays Eric

Jeff Murray
plays Viktor

Sacha Senisch
plays Elena

Zach Selwyn
plays Igor

Evan Arnold
plays Businessman

Mary Kate Loye
plays Svetlana

Trevor Pavlik
plays Bus Stop Guy

Crew of Jimmy the Saint

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