Yay hey! The most famous Never Land hero of all time is back! Before you can say, "I Can Fly!" -- Peter Pan returns to lead Jake And The Never Land Pirates on their first-ever full-length adventure. During a game of "catch-me-if-you-can," Peter Pan's mischievous shadow slips away...and winds up in the clutches of that sneaky snook, Captain Hook! Now it's up to Jake, Izzy, Cubby -- and YOU -- to help Peter rescue his shadow. Then, enjoy more excitement with five JAKE AND THE NEVER LAND PIRATES adventures. Awash with happy thoughts, swashbuckling action, new songs and never-ending fun, PETER PAN RETURNS proves good friends can do great things when they work together!
Dee Bradley Baker (born August 31, 1962) is an American voice actor. Noted as his long-running-role as Squilliam...
Colin Ford (born September 12, 1996) is an American child actor and voice actor. He is best known for his role as...
Adam Wylie is an actor.
Corey Burton is an American voice actor known as the current voice of Ludwig Von Drake, Captain Hook and many other...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jeffrey Glenn "Jeff" Bennett (born October 2, 1962) is an American voice...
David Arquette (born September 8, 1971) is an American actor, former professional wrestler, director, producer, and...
Jonathan Morgan Heit (born July 16, 2000) is a former American teen actor known for his role in the Adam Sandler...