Cast e Troupe di The Prestige

The Prestige

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Due giovani maghi apprendisti, Robert Angier e Alfred Borden, vengono istruiti e seguiti da Cutter, un ingegnere illusionista ed ex mago, ma durante un numero in cui una donna viene legata e messa in una cassa di vetro piena d'acqua, qualcosa va storto e Angier incolperà l'amico dell'accaduto, tentando di vendicarsi. Inizia così un crudele gioco tra i due uomini su chi sia il migliore e la rivalità si trasformerà pian piano in ossessione.

Cast Completo di The Prestige

Michael Caine as Cutter

Michael Caine

In 'The Prestige', Michael Caine delivers a captivating performance as Cutter, the seasoned stage engineer. His character, a pivotal part of the movie, is brought to life with Caine's nuanced acting. He masterfully portrays the character's wisdom and experience, as well as his loyalty and concern for his colleagues. Caine's performance is a standout feature of the movie, adding depth and authenticity to the complex narrative.
Scarlett Johansson as Olivia Wenscombe

Scarlett Johansson

Olivia Wenscombe
Scarlett Johansson's performance as Olivia Wenscombe in 'The Prestige' is captivating and multi-layered. She skillfully portrays a woman caught between two rival magicians, balancing her character's loyalty, ambition, and vulnerability. Johansson's nuanced acting brings depth to Olivia, making her a pivotal part of the film's intricate narrative. Her portrayal adds an element of romantic intrigue to the intense rivalry between the magicians, enhancing the overall suspense and drama of the movie.

Troupe di The Prestige

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