Cast e Troupe di The Blacklist

The Blacklist

Raymond “Red” Reddington (interpretato da James Spader) è un genio del crimine internazionale ricercato dalle polizie di tutto il mondo e si presenta improvvisamente nel quartier generale dell’FBI per costituirsi: per salvarsi da pene carcerarie che lo chiuderebbero a vita in prigione, offre il suo aiuto per catturare i nomi contenuti in una sua speciale black list dove sarebbero contenuti i contatti dei più pericolosi terroristi in circolazione, criminali dalle mille false identità sconosciuti e imprendibili per la stessa FBI. Reddington pone una condizione alla sua offerta d’aiuto: darà informazioni solo a Elizabeth Keen (Megan Boone), una giovane profiler dell’FBI assunta da un giorno all’intelligence, che sarà catapultata al centro di un torbido intrigo.

Cast Completo di The Blacklist

Krysten Ritter as Nora Mills / Rowan Mills

Krysten Ritter

Nora Mills / Rowan Mills (1 episode)
Nora Mills, also known as Rowan Mills, is a prominent character in the television show The Blacklist. She is a nurse and the sister of one of the show's main characters, Harold Cooper. Nora is intelligent, resourceful, and fiercely loyal to those she cares about, often going to great lengths to protect them.

Quotes from Nora Mills / Rowan Mills

  1. Someone once told me to always place the needs of the many above the needs of the few.
  2. I won't let you manipulate me. Not again. Not for anything.
  3. I've always been able to take care of myself.
Brian Wiles as Officer McGinnis

Brian Wiles

Officer McGinnis (1 episode)
Officer McGinnis is a dedicated FBI agent assigned to work on various cases alongside Reddington and his team. He is serious, hardworking, and takes his job very seriously.

Quotes from Officer McGinnis

  1. I don't like it when you withhold information, Red
  2. This is outside of procedure, sir
Poorna Jagannathan as Nirah Ahmad

Poorna Jagannathan

Nirah Ahmad (1 episode)
Nirah Ahmad is a cunning and ruthless mercenary who is hired by various criminal organizations to perform dangerous tasks. She is highly skilled in combat and has a sharp mind, making her a formidable opponent for anyone who crosses her path.

Quotes from Nirah Ahmad

  1. 'Money talks, sweetie.'
  2. 'I always get what I want.'
Brian Dennehy as Dom

Brian Dennehy

Dom (1 episode) , Dominic Wilkinson (8 episodes)

Figlio di un medico e di una casalinga di origini irlandesi, trascorse la sua infanzia a Long Island e nel 1959...

Troupe di The Blacklist

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