Cast e Troupe di The Batman

The Batman

Smaschera la verità.

Quando un killer prende di mira l’élite di Gotham con una serie di malvagi stratagemmi, una scia di indizi criptici spinge il più grande detective del mondo a indagare nei bassifondi, incontrando personaggi come Selina Kyle alias Catwoman, Oswald Cobblepot alias il Pinguino, Carmine Falcone e Edward Nashton alias l’Enigmista. Mentre le prove iniziano a condurlo più vicino alla soluzione e la portata dei piani del malfattore diventa chiara, Batman deve stringere nuove alleanze, smascherare il colpevole e rendere giustizia all’abuso di potere e alla corruzione che da tempo affliggono Gotham City.

Cast Completo di The Batman

Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne / The Batman

Robert Pattinson

Bruce Wayne / The Batman
Robert Pattinson delivers a captivating performance as Bruce Wayne / The Batman in the movie 'The Batman'. His portrayal of the iconic character is a fresh and intriguing take, showcasing a darker, more brooding side of the caped crusader. Pattinson's ability to convey both the vulnerability and strength of Bruce Wayne is commendable, and his transformation into the intimidating Batman is truly impressive. His performance adds depth to the character, making 'The Batman' a must-watch for fans of the superhero genre.
John Turturro as Carmine Falcone

John Turturro

Carmine Falcone
John Turturro's portrayal of Carmine Falcone in 'The Batman' is a standout performance that exudes power and menace. Turturro brings a level of sophistication and gravitas to the role, making Falcone a formidable and complex villain. His ability to switch between charm and ruthlessness with ease is a testament to his acting skills. Turturro's Falcone is not just a typical mob boss, but a character with depth and nuance, making him a memorable addition to the Batman universe.