Cast e Troupe di Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver

In ogni strada di ogni città di questo paese c'è un nessuno che sogna di diventare qualcuno. E' un uomo solitario e dimenticato che deve disperatamente provare di essere vivo.

New York: Travis Bickle, veterano del Vietnam in congedo, soffre d'insonnia e decide di impegnare le proprie notti facendo il tassista. Completamente disadattato ma idealista alla ricerca di uno scopo, l'uomo si invaghirà di una ragazza e le chiederà di uscire. Quando le cose tra i due andranno storte, Travis, definitivamente disilluso riguardo la società, si chiuderà in se stesso. Comincerà così per il tassista una claustrofobica discesa nel baratro della solitudine, in bilico sui margini della sanità mentale.

Cast Completo di Taxi Driver

Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle

Robert De Niro

Travis Bickle
Robert De Niro's portrayal of Travis Bickle in 'Taxi Driver' is a masterclass in character acting. His transformation from a lonely, socially awkward war veteran to a man driven to violence by his own internal demons is both chilling and mesmerizing. De Niro's performance is layered with subtle nuances, from his awkward interactions with others to his intense, introspective monologues. His physical transformation, including the iconic mohawk haircut, further emphasizes the character's descent into madness. De Niro's performance is a testament to his talent and versatility as an actor, and it remains one of the most memorable performances in cinematic history.
Jodie Foster as Iris

Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster's portrayal of Iris Steensma in 'Taxi Driver' is a standout performance that showcases her incredible range and talent. At just 13 years old, Foster delivers a mature and nuanced portrayal of a young prostitute, capturing the complex emotions and vulnerability of her character with remarkable depth. Her chemistry with Robert De Niro's Travis Bickle is palpable, and their scenes together are some of the most memorable in the film. Foster's performance earned her critical acclaim and a nomination for Best Supporting Actress at the Academy Awards, cementing her status as one of the most promising young actresses of her generation.