La salvezza è a soli 225 milioni di km di distanza
Durante una missione su Marte, l’astronauta Mark Watney (Matt Damon) viene considerato morto dopo una forte tempesta e per questo abbandonato dal suo equipaggio. Ma Watney è sopravvissuto e ora si ritrova solo sul pianeta ostile. Con scarse provviste, Watney deve attingere al suo ingegno, alla sua arguzia e al suo spirito di sopravvivenza per trovare un modo per segnalare alla Terra che è vivo. A milioni di chilometri di distanza, la NASA e un team di scienziati internazionali lavorano instancabilmente per cercare di portare “il marziano” a casa, mentre i suoi compagni cercano di tracciare un’audace, se non impossibile, missione di salvataggio.
Cast Completo di Sopravvissuto - The Martian
Matt Damon's portrayal of the astronaut and botanist Mark Watney in Ridley Scott's 'The Martian' is a masterclass in charismatic, everyman heroism. Damon infuses Watney with a contagious optimism and an indomitable will to survive, which serves as the emotional backbone of the film. His performance is both physically and emotionally demanding, as he navigates the vast, desolate landscapes of Mars, as well as the psychological toll of isolation and the relentless challenge of staying alive. Damon's ability to convey complex scientific concepts with wit and clarity, coupled with his character's resourcefulness and resilience, endears Watney to the audience and provides a hopeful, uplifting anchor in this tale of human ingenuity and the spirit of exploration. His nuanced acting, often playing against himself in the Martian wilderness, showcases his range and his skill in carrying a film that is as much about outer space as it is about the human spirit.
Jessica Chastain
Melissa Lewis
Jessica Chastain delivers a commanding performance as Commander Melissa Lewis in Ridley Scott's science fiction film "The Martian." As the leader of the Ares III mission to Mars, Chastain embodies the strength, intelligence, and determination required of an astronaut faced with the unforgiving expanse of space. Her portrayal of Lewis is nuanced, balancing the character's disciplined exterior with the emotional weight of being responsible for her crew's safety. Chastain's performance is a cornerstone of the film's success, as she brings authenticity and depth to the role, making Lewis a believable and inspiring figure who anchors the emotional stakes of the mission. Her leadership is tested when the crew is forced to leave Mars prematurely, believing they have lost crew member Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) during an intense storm. Chastain's ability to convey the guilt, resolve, and eventual hope as the narrative unfolds is a testament to her skill as an actress, rendering Melissa Lewis as one of the most memorable characters in the film and solidifying Chastain's place as a formidable talent in the industry.
Attore rumeno naturalizzato statunitense, conosciuto principalmente per l'interpretazione del ruolo di Bucky Barnes...
Troupe di Sopravvissuto - The Martian
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