Cast e Troupe di Primal


Il cacciatore definitivo contro il predatore definitivo

Frank Walsh, un cacciatore e collezionista di animali rari ed esotici, riesce a catturare un inestimabile giaguaro bianco, da rivendere a uno zoo dietro lauta ricompensa. Le cose però non vanno come dovrebbero: la nave che trasporta l'animale ospita anche un assassino politico che sta per essere estradato negli Stati Uniti. Liberatosi, l'uomo apre anche la gabbia del giaguaro costringendo Frank a una nuova imprevedibile caccia tra gli angusti corridoi dell'imbarcazione...

Cast Completo di Primal

Nicolas Cage as Frank Walsh

Nicolas Cage

Frank Walsh
Nicolas Cage delivers a characteristically intense performance as Frank Walsh in the action-thriller 'Primal'. As a seasoned big-game hunter, Cage's Walsh is a man of few words but of decisive action, embodying a rugged, weathered presence that suits the film's gritty tone. His portrayal strikes a balance between the hardened mercenary and a man with a moral compass, showcasing Cage's ability to imbue even the most archetypal roles with a unique blend of ferocity and vulnerability. His interactions with both man and beast underscore the film's themes of survival and primal instinct, as Walsh navigates the treacherous waters of a hijacked ship carrying a menagerie of dangerous animals, including a rare white jaguar. Cage's performance is a highlight of the film, providing a compelling focal point as the plot unfolds with a mix of suspense and adrenaline-fueled sequences.