Dopo aver appreso insegnamenti considerati eretici sulla Terra e sul Sole, un bambino prodigio deve trovare le ricerche nascoste del suo maestro eludendo l'Inquisizione.
Cast Completo di Orb: On the Movements of the Earth
Yuichi Nakamura
Badeni (voice) (25 episodes) , Badeni (voice) (11 episodes)
Yuichi Nakamura delivers a nuanced and compelling performance as Badeni in the television series "Orb: On the Movements of the Earth," a show that intricately weaves together science fiction and political intrigue. As Badeni, Nakamura's voice acting brings to life a character that is both enigmatic and authoritative, capturing the essence of a man who is deeply entrenched in the complex power dynamics of the series' universe. His vocal cadence and intonation convey Badeni's calculating nature, as well as his unwavering dedication to his cause, making the character a standout presence whenever he appears on screen. Nakamura's performance is a testament to his range as a voice actor, as he effortlessly transitions between moments of quiet intensity and commanding dialogue, ensuring that Badeni is remembered as a multifaceted antagonist with a significant impact on the narrative. His work in "Orb" is a shining example of how voice acting can elevate a character from simply being part of the story to becoming an indelible part of the viewer's experience.