Non c'è futuro senza di esso.
Una congiunzione provoca l'apertura di un varco attraverso cui una forza penetra nel nostro universo. Gli antichi egizi lo sapevano, ed anzi erano i custodi dell'arma capace di arrestarla, basata sulla fusione dei quattro elementi primari: terra, acqua, fuoco e aria, e di un quinto elemento. Ma agli inizi del ventesimo secolo scendono sulla Terra i Mondoshawan, esseri superiori e benefici che portano via l'arma, promettendo di restituirla. Il momento arriva nel 2259, quando il passaggio si riapre e l'universo è di nuovo minacciato. I Mondoshawan rispediscono sulla Terra l'arma con il quinto elemento, l'amore, incarnato in Leeloo, ma l'astronave viene intercettata e distrutta dai Mangalore. Fortunatamente dal relitto vengono estratti resti sufficienti a clonare la ragazza, ma la nuova Leeloo non ricorda nulla di sè nè del compito che l'attende. Fuggendo si imbatte nel tassista Korben Dallas, che l'aiuterà a recuperare gli altri quattro elementi e a salvare il mondo.
Cast Completo di Il quinto elemento
Bruce Willis
Korben Dallas
Bruce Willis delivered a quintessential everyman action hero performance as Korben Dallas in Luc Besson's science fiction epic "The Fifth Element." His portrayal of the former special forces major turned down-on-his-luck cab driver in the 23rd century is both charismatic and relatable, providing a solid anchor for the film's fantastical narrative. Willis's Dallas is a rugged, world-weary character whose cynical outlook is challenged by the introduction of Leeloo (Milla Jovovich), the supreme being and key to saving the world. His transformation from a disillusioned veteran to a man willing to risk everything for the greater good is seamlessly conveyed by Willis, who balances humor, toughness, and a surprising tenderness throughout the film. His chemistry with Jovovich, as well as his interactions with the eccentric supporting cast, adds depth to his character, making Korben Dallas one of Willis's most iconic roles and a memorable addition to the pantheon of cinematic sci-fi heroes.
Milla Jovovich delivered a captivating and iconic performance as Leeloo in Luc Besson's science fiction epic "The Fifth Element" (1997). As the supreme being and key to saving the universe, Jovovich imbued Leeloo with a mesmerizing blend of innocence, strength, and otherworldly charm. Her portrayal was both physical and emotional, showcasing her ability to convey complex feelings with minimal dialogue, largely through her expressive eyes and body language. Leeloo's introduction scene, where she escapes from a high-tech facility and leaps into the chaotic future world of New York City, is a testament to Jovovich's dedication to the role, performing her own stunts and fight sequences with balletic grace and fierce determination. Her chemistry with co-star Bruce Willis added depth to the film's central relationship, and her performance in the opera scene, where Leeloo's vulnerability and resolve come to the fore, is particularly memorable. Jovovich's Leeloo is not just a visual spectacle in her avant-garde bandage costume designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier, but a character that resonates with audiences for her relatable quest for understanding and her ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. Jovovich's portrayal is a standout example of her versatility as an actress and her ability to bring a unique and compelling presence to the science fiction genre.