La ribellione ha inizio.
Voldemort è tornato ma nessuno al Ministero della Magia sembra crederci. Harry, sopravvissuto col cugino Dudley all'attacco dei Dissennatori, viene espulso da Hogwarts per avere usato impropriamente la magia davanti ad un babbano. Silente reintegra il ragazzo e lo introduce nell'Ordine della Fenice, un gruppo di nobili cavalieri magici avversari di Voldemort. Questo esercito "templare" combatte su due fronti e due poteri: quello maligno e potente dei Mangiamorte e quello politico e ottuso di Caramell, che si ostina a negarne il ritorno. Rimosso Silente dalla presidenza di Hogwarts, questa volta Harry dovrà cavarsela da solo. Ma nuovi e giovani membri si uniranno alla resistenza contro Voldemort.
Cast Completo di Harry Potter e l'ordine della fenice
Imelda Staunton
Dolores Umbridge
Imelda Staunton delivered a chilling yet masterful performance as Dolores Umbridge in the movie "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Her portrayal of the character was a stark contrast to the dark, menacing aura of Voldemort and his Death Eaters; instead, Staunton brought to life a villain whose malevolence was veiled behind a sickly sweet demeanor and a passion for rules and discipline. With her trademark pink cardigans, kitten ornaments, and saccharine smile, Staunton's Umbridge was the embodiment of bureaucratic evil, wielding her authority with a smile while committing heinous acts of educational tyranny. Her performance was so convincing that she became one of the most despised characters in the series, despite her relatively short screen time. Staunton's ability to evoke such strong emotions from the audience, while maintaining a veneer of politeness and order, was a testament to her skill as an actress and solidified her character as an iconic antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise.
Robbie Coltrane
Rubeus Hagrid
In "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," Robbie Coltrane reprises his role as the beloved half-giant, Rubeus Hagrid, with the same warmth and towering presence that have made the character a cornerstone of the series. Coltrane's performance is a masterclass in balancing the gentle, nurturing side of Hagrid with his fierce loyalty and occasional explosive temper. His tender moments with Harry, particularly in scenes of mentorship and comfort, underscore the paternal role Hagrid plays in the young wizard's life. Coltrane also brings a sense of gravitas to Hagrid's more poignant moments, such as when he returns from a mysterious mission with a heavy heart, hinting at a deeper, more complex character beneath the jovial exterior. His interactions with the other characters, including his teaching attempts with the jittery Professor Umbridge, are delivered with impeccable timing and a twinkle in his eye that conveys Hagrid's endearing blend of innocence and wisdom. Coltrane's portrayal of Hagrid in this film is yet another testament to his ability to breathe life into a character that resonates with both the tenderness and strength of a guardian figure, making him a standout in the rich tapestry of the Harry Potter universe.