Cast e Troupe di Dungeons & Dragons - L'onore dei ladri

Dungeons & Dragons - L'onore dei ladri

Con dei Ladri così, non abbiamo bisogno di Eroi.

Un affascinante ladro e un gruppo di improbabili avventurieri realizzano il colpo del secolo recuperando una reliquia perduta. Ma le cose si mettono male quando il gruppo si imbatte nelle persone sbagliate.

Cast Completo di Dungeons & Dragons - L'onore dei ladri

Sophia Lillis as Doric

Sophia Lillis

Sophia Lillis delivers a captivating performance as Doric in "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves". Lillis brings a unique blend of charisma, wit, and vulnerability to her portrayal of the tiefling druid, making Doric a standout character in the ensemble cast. Her on-screen presence is commanding, yet endearing, as she navigates the challenges of her character's dual nature - a fierce protector of nature and a misunderstood outcast. Lillis's performance is a testament to her versatility as an actress and her ability to breathe life into complex characters, making Doric a fan favorite in this action-packed adventure.
Hugh Grant as Forge

Hugh Grant

In 'Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves', Hugh Grant delivers a delightfully witty and charismatic performance as the cunning rogue, Forge. With his impeccable comedic timing and a dash of suave sophistication, Grant effortlessly steals every scene he's in. His portrayal of the morally ambiguous character adds depth and intrigue to the story, making Forge an unforgettable addition to the ensemble cast. Grant's performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor and a treat for fans of the genre.