Ogni rapina ha il suo prezzo
Il genio criminale Mason (John Travolta) sta per mettere in atto il colpo della sua vita quando la sua amante e membro chiave della sua banda, Decker (Kristin Davis), tradisce il team e rivela di essere un agente sotto copertura dell’FBI. Sentimentalmente distrutto, Mason riesce a fuggire e si ritira dalla vita criminale fino a quando suo fratello minore Shawn (Lukas Haas) si trova in una situazione troppo grande per lui, affrontando da solo un grande colpo in banca. Mason non ha altra scelta che intervenire per aiutarlo, mentre l’FBI incarica Decker sul caso nella speranza di metterlo in difficoltà. Prima che le squadre SWAT assaltino la banca, Mason deve utilizzare ogni risorsa a sua disposizione non solo per fuggire con il bottino, ma anche per riconquistare l'amore della sua vita.
Cast Completo di Cash Out - I maghi del furto
John Travolta
Mason Goddard
John Travolta delivers a captivating performance as Mason Goddard in the movie 'Cash Out'. He portrays a charismatic and cunning casino owner with a unique blend of charm and ruthlessness. Travolta's character is a complex individual who is not afraid to bend the rules to get what he wants. His performance is nuanced, showing both the calculating businessman and the vulnerable man behind the facade. Travolta's portrayal of Mason Goddard is a testament to his versatility as an actor and his ability to bring depth to his characters.
Kristin Davis
Amelia Decker
Kristin Davis delivers a captivating performance as Amelia Decker in 'Cash Out'. Her portrayal of a determined and resourceful woman who will stop at nothing to protect her family is both convincing and engaging. Davis brings a level of depth and nuance to the character that allows the audience to truly empathize with Amelia's struggles and root for her success. Her on-screen chemistry with the rest of the cast is also noteworthy, as she effortlessly navigates the complex relationships between her character and those around her. Overall, Davis's performance in 'Cash Out' is a standout and adds significantly to the film's overall impact.