Cast and Crew of In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro

Cast of
In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro

About In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro

  • Released on March 01, 1986
  • Horror

There's a big drought in Africa. Food and water are scarce. 90,000 wild baboons suddenly start attacking humans and eating them in order to survive. Some people find themselves being hunted by the starving monkeys and must do whatever they can to stay alive.

Full Cast of In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro

John Rhys-Davies
plays Chris Tucker

John Rhys-Davies as Chris Tucker

John Rhys-Davies (born 5 May 1944) is a Welsh actor and vocal artist. He is perhaps best known for playing the charis...

See John Rhys-Davies's other roles

Timothy Bottoms
plays Jack Ringtree

Timothy Bottoms as Jack Ringtree

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Timothy James Bottoms is an American actor and film producer. He is best kno...

See Timothy Bottoms's other roles

Irene Miracle
plays Lee Ringtree

Michele Carey
plays Ginny Hansen

Leonard Trolley
plays Colonel Maitland

Patty Foley
plays Lucille Gagnon

Calvin Jung
plays Mitushi Uto

Don Blakely
plays Julius Odom

Don Blakely as Julius Odom

Don Blakely was born on July 26, 1938 and passed away 20 years ago at the age of 65 on January 13, 2004.

See Don Blakely's other roles

Jim Boeke
plays Gagnon

Patrick Gorman
plays Eugene Cruz

Patrick Gorman as Eugene Cruz

Patrick has appeared as a performer in almost all phases of entertainment. He was born in Visalia, California. Altho...

See Patrick Gorman's other roles

Mark Watters
plays Carlyle Bandy

Carl Vundla
plays District Officer Tshombe

Phil Brown

Phil Brown

Philip Brown was an American actor. Brown was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. After majoring in dramatics at Stanfo...

See Phil Brown's other roles

Crew of In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro

Discover the backstage crew of In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro →