Cast and Crew of Hit and Run

Cast of
Hit and Run

About Hit and Run

  • Released on September 14, 1955
  • Drama

Judge Csanádi András makes a confession to his boss one night: he fell in love with the pretty, modern driver woman, Zenthe Judit in a fencing room. The girl suddenly returned his feelings. One night she confessed to him crying: she hit someone. The case was assigned to Csanádi, who wanted to investigate the circumstances meticulously despite his feelings. Thus the so far hidden life of Judit, which is bound to the past former world and its values is now highlighted. He is confused, asks his boss to absolve him from the assignment, but refuses to do so. Csanádi realises in the court room: Judit kept on telling lies, she played the lover for her own interest. The judge passed his crisis, he will deliver a fair sentence.

Full Cast of Hit and Run

András Tassy

Crew of Hit and Run

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