Cast of
Hell Asylum

About Hell Asylum

  • Released on May 13, 2002
  • Horror

A desperate producer faced with unemployment has the ultimate reality television program ready to roll.

Full Cast of Hell Asylum

Emma Stone
plays Laurie Partridge (1 episode)

Emma Stone as Laurie Partridge

Emily Jean "Emma" Stone is an American actress. The recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and a...

See Emma Stone's other roles

Tammi Sutton
plays Board Member

Tammi Sutton was born on October 21, 1971 and is currently 52 years old.

See Tammi Sutton's other roles

Austin Priester
plays Spud

Austin Priester as Spud

Austin Priester is an American film and television actor and stunt performer.

See Austin Priester's other roles

Stacey Scowley
plays Stacey

Stacey Scowley as Stacey

​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Stacey Scowley is an American actress. She gained memorable attention from...

See Stacey Scowley's other roles

Crew of Hell Asylum

Discover the backstage crew of Hell Asylum →