The story of Michael “Mickey” Bolitar after the sudden death of his father leads him to start a new life in suburban New Jersey. When a new student suddenly disappears, Mickey with new friends Spoon and Ema embark on a truth-seeking journey and soon find themselves tangled in a web of mysteries and deaths spanning back decades.
Jaden Michael was born on October 5, 2003 and is currently 20 years old.
See Jaden Michael's other roles →Sage Linder was born on February 26, 2001 and is currently 23 years old.
See Sage Linder's other roles →Geoffrey graduated magna cum laude from Amherst College with a degree in theater. During his junior year, he attended...
See Geoffrey Cantor's other roles →Manuel Uriza is a Mexican-American character actor. Born and raised in Mexico City, moving to Miami, Florida in his t...
See Manuel Uriza's other roles →Lee Aaron Rosen is known for Saving Private Ryan (1998), A Kid Like Jake (2018) and The Warriors (2005).
See Lee Aaron Rosen's other roles →