In this sequel to 1979's "Goldie and the Boxer," the ingratiating twosome, heavyweight champ and his 10-year-old manager, flee to California when a vengeful promoter who lost a bundle on the title fight wants retribution.
Full Cast of Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood
Melissa Michaelsen
as Goldie Kellog
Anthony Aiello
as Reporter
Joseph Michael Cala
as Reporter
Vince Delgado
as Philadelphia Referee
Jimmy Lennon Sr.
as L.A. Ring Announcer
Jonathon Millner
as Reporter
Bob Ozman
as Fight Official
Kay St. Germain Wells
as Reporter
Fred D. Scott
as Train Waiter
Gary Wayne Smith
as Reporter
Sunja Svensen
as The Miller Sisters
D.J. Sydney
as The Miller Sisters
Leslie Vallen
as The Miller Sisters
Mike Walden
as Philadelphia Ring Announcer
Crew of Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood
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backstage crew of Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood →