Cast of
For This Is My Body

About For This Is My Body

  • Released on November 02, 2016
  • Drama

This is the story of an encounter. An encounter between a groupie and the rock star she has always worshipped, This is a story of fascination and despair. She has loved him for many years, idolized his every move, lived for his songs. He is a shell. Scarred, alcoholic and paranoid, ruined by success. They find each other one morning, in a hotel room. He needs to be saved and all she wants is to protect him.

Full Cast of For This Is My Body

Carl Barât
plays Le rocker

Audrey Bastien
plays La groupie

Thibault de Montalembert
plays Le manager

Thibault de Montalembert as Le manager

Thibault Charles Marie Septime de Montalembert (born 10 February 1962) is a French theatre, film and television actor...

See Thibault de Montalembert's other roles

Fanny Ardant
plays La femme

Noémie Schmidt

Crew of For This Is My Body

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