Cast and Crew of Expats


Expats is an upcoming drama series that follows the lives of a group of women living in the bustling city of Hong Kong. The show boasts an impressive cast, including Nicole Kidman, who plays Margaret, a woman trying to navigate her new life in a foreign country. Alongside Kidman is Sarayu Blue, who takes on the role of Hilary Starr, a woman who finds herself in the midst of a scandal that threatens to upend her life.

The series is set against the backdrop of Hong Kong's vibrant and complex community, providing a rich and intriguing backdrop for the characters' stories to unfold. The women in Expats come from diverse backgrounds, each with their own unique experiences and challenges. As they form unlikely alliances and navigate the city's cultural nuances, they set off a chain of events that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

At its core, Expats is a thought-provoking exploration of the delicate balance between blame and accountability. As the characters' lives intersect and collide, they must confront the consequences of their actions and decide whether to take responsibility or shift the blame. With its compelling storyline and complex characters, Expats is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys thought-provoking drama. Whether you're a fan of Nicole Kidman or simply enjoy a good story, this series is sure to leave a lasting impression. So, mark your calendars and get ready to be drawn into the world of Expats, where nothing is as it seems and everyone is searching for their place in a complex and ever-changing world.

Main Cast of Expats

Nicole Kidman as Margaret

Nicole Kidman

as Margaret (6 episodes)

Nicole Mary Kidman AC (born 20 June 1967) is an American-Australian actress and producer. Known for her work across v...

Sarayu Blue as Hilary Starr

Sarayu Blue

as Hilary Starr (6 episodes)

Sarayu Blue is an Indian American stage, film and television actress and singer. She earned a Master of Fine Arts deg...

Brian Tee as Clarke

Brian Tee

as Clarke (6 episodes)

Brian Tee (born Jae-Beom Takata) is a Japanese-born American actor. At the age of two, he and his family moved from J...

May Leong

Bonde Sham

as Charly (3 episodes) , (6 episodes)

Poon Pak Shing

as Sam (4 episodes)

Secondary Cast of Expats

Edmund Ng

as Andrew Woo (2 episodes)

Jennifer Beveridge

as Tilda (2 episodes)

Elizabeth Ng

as Shellac (2 episodes)

Grace Wong

as Priscilla (1 episode)

Rose Han

as Ruby (2 episodes)

Edmond Kok

as Elderly Friend (1 episode)

Neil Harris

as Gluten Free Simon (1 episode)

Regene Li

as Scared Waitress (1 episode)

Connor James Yuet Hei Gillman

as Gus (2 episodes)
Chuti Tiu as Sarah

Chuti Tiu

as Sarah (1 episode)

Chuti Tiu was born on May 16, 1970. She is an actress and writer.

Jackie Dallas as Pennie

Jackie Dallas

as Pennie (1 episode)

Jackie Dallas was born on January 1, 1984 and is currently 40 years old.

Nina Kwok

as Art Director (2 episodes)

Barry O'Rorke

as Christopher (1 episode)

Will Orr

as Tony Ng (1 episode)

Maggie Lee

as Wen Ng (1 episode)

Chaya Joyce Baris

as Cici (1 episode)

Imelda R. Balik

as Ana (1 episode)

Lucy Valenzuela

as Vera (1 episode)

Earl Clarisse Mocorol Mallari

as Diana (1 episode)

Maria Elena Bulatao

as Amalia (1 episode)

Chauncey Wang-Jenkins

as Chauncey (2 episodes)

Rebecca J. Merritt

as Bethany (1 episode)

Ivan Poon

as CK (1 episode)

Morgan Guth

as Theresa (1 episode)

Li Kit Wa

as Grocery Store Clerk (1 episode)

Lyna Yee

as Morgue Receptionist (1 episode)

Causson Chu

as Maintenance Man 01 (1 episode)

Leo Lau

as Maintenance Man 02 (1 episode)

Rabbani Kaur

as Sukhi (1 episode)

Rajiv Sharma

as Fauja (1 episode)

Sherry Lin

as Minky (1 episode)

Stanley Wong

as Reporter (1 episode)

Abigail Lea

as News Reporter (1 episode)

Sarbjit Singh

as Holy Man (1 episode)

Deana J. Becker

as Nurse (1 episode)

Crew of Expats

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