Cast and Crew of Exodus to Shanghai

Cast of
Exodus to Shanghai

About Exodus to Shanghai

Exodus to Shanghai tells the story of two lovers who have to escape from Vienna to China after Dr. Ho, the Chinese Consul in Vienna in 1938, issued Exit Visas to many Jews against the instruction of his superiors. Fannia, a New York Jewish Violin student, falls in love with the Consul's nephew Bruce. Together they must leave Vienna as the Gestapo is chasing them to get the Jews and Hitler's painting.

Full Cast of Exodus to Shanghai

Markus von Lingen
plays Hermann Deutsch

Alexandre Nguyen
plays Bruce

David Yu
plays Dr. Ho

Yaara Benbenishty
plays Fannia

Maia Morgenstern
plays Mrs. Morgenstern

David Lipper
plays Kurt

David Lipper as Kurt

David Lipper was born on February 17, 1974 and is currently 50 years old.

See David Lipper's other roles

Mike Altmann
plays Mr. Morgenstern

Jahni Raz
plays Rivka

Clem So
plays Tong

Srulik Pniel
plays Moshe

Nitsan Jankelowiz
plays Norbert

Ana Maria Pop
plays Sarah

Crew of Exodus to Shanghai

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