Reparto y equipo de Liga de la Justicia Oscura: La Guerra Apokolips

Liga de la Justicia Oscura: La Guerra Apokolips

La guerra para poner fin a todas las guerras.

Culminando seis años de una aventura que comenzó con el lanzamiento de Justice League: War en 2014, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War presenta un planeta Tierra totalmente devastado por el tirano intergaláctico Darkseid en el que los superhéroes apenas han podido hacer frente a la guerra. Los últimos bastiones de guerreros que aún quedan en pie deben reagruparse para crear una estrategia que les permita enfrentarse a Darkseid con el propósito de salvar al planeta y a sus pocos supervivientes. Esta es la guerra que acabará con todas las guerras.

Cast completo de Liga de la Justicia Oscura: La Guerra Apokolips

Matt Ryan as John Constantine (voice)

Matt Ryan

John Constantine (voice)
Matt Ryan's performance as John Constantine in 'Justice League Dark: Apokolips War' is nothing short of exceptional. His voice acting is incredibly nuanced, capturing the character's signature dry wit and sarcasm, while also conveying the deep-seated pain and trauma that Constantine carries with him. Ryan's delivery is sharp and engaging, making the character stand out even in the midst of a large ensemble cast. His ability to seamlessly transition between humor and drama is a testament to his skill as an actor, and his performance is undoubtedly one of the highlights of the film.
Jerry O'Connell as Clark Kent / Superman (voice)

Jerry O'Connell

Clark Kent / Superman (voice)
Jerry O'Connell delivers a commanding performance as Clark Kent / Superman in 'Justice League Dark: Apokolips War'. His voice masterfully captures the essence of the iconic character, exuding strength, compassion, and determination. O'Connell's Superman is not just a superhero, but a leader who inspires hope even in the face of apocalyptic adversity. His performance adds depth to the character, making the audience root for him and empathize with his struggles. Overall, O'Connell's portrayal of Superman is a standout feature of the movie.
Rosario Dawson as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (voice)

Rosario Dawson

Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (voice)
Rosario Dawson delivers a captivating performance as Diana Prince / Wonder Woman in 'Justice League Dark: Apokolips War'. Her commanding voice perfectly captures the strength and compassion of the iconic character, making her a standout in the ensemble cast. Dawson's portrayal adds depth to Wonder Woman's struggle and determination in the face of adversity, making her a truly inspiring figure in this action-packed animated film.
Rebecca Romijn as Lois Lane (voice)

Rebecca Romijn

Lois Lane (voice)

Rebecca Alie Romijn (6 de noviembre de 1972) es una actriz y exmodelo estadounidense. Durante su matrimonio con John...

Jon Bernthal as Trigon (voice)

Jon Bernthal

Trigon (voice)

Jonathan Edward «Jon» Bernthal (20 de septiembre de 1976)​ es un actor estadounidense conocido por sus papeles como...