La saga de La Guerra de las Galaxias continúa...
Tras un ataque sorpresa de las tropas imperiales a las bases camufladas de la alianza rebelde, Luke Skywalker, en compañía de R2D2, parte hacia el planeta Dagobah en busca de Yoda, el último maestro Jedi, para que le enseñe los secretos de la Fuerza. Mientras, Han Solo, la princesa Leia, Chewbacca, y C3PO esquivan a las fuerzas imperiales y piden refugio al antiguo propietario del Halcón Milenario, Lando Calrissian, en la ciudad minera de Bespin, donde les prepara una trampa urdida por Darth Vader.
Cast completo de El imperio contraataca
Mark Hamill
Luke Skywalker
Mark Hamill's portrayal of Luke Skywalker in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is a standout performance that cements his character as a central figure in the Star Wars saga. Hamill brings a sense of vulnerability and determination to Luke, making him relatable and endearing to audiences. His journey from a wide-eyed, idealistic farm boy to a budding Jedi Knight is both compelling and heartwarming. The emotional depth Hamill brings to Luke's struggle with the dark side, his complex relationship with Darth Vader, and his unwavering commitment to his friends and the Rebellion make 'The Empire Strikes Back' a defining moment in his career and a highlight of the Star Wars franchise.
Harrison Ford's portrayal of Han Solo in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is a standout performance that solidifies his character as a fan favorite. His charismatic and roguish charm is on full display, as he navigates the complexities of his role with ease. Ford's ability to balance humor, romance, and high-stakes action creates a multi-dimensional character that resonates with audiences. His chemistry with Carrie Fisher's Princess Leia adds a layer of depth to the film, making their scenes together some of the most memorable. Overall, Ford's performance as Han Solo in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is a testament to his acting prowess and a significant contribution to the Star Wars franchise.
Carrie Fisher
Princess Leia
[RES]Carrie Fisher's portrayal of Princess Leia in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is nothing short of iconic. Her performance is a perfect blend of strength and vulnerability, showcasing Leia's unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. Fisher brings a sense of gravitas to the role, making Leia a leader that viewers can truly root for. Her chemistry with co-stars Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill is electric, adding depth to the already rich Star Wars universe. Whether she's leading a rebellion or sharing tender moments with her on-screen love interest, Fisher's Leia is a character that will forever be etched in the hearts of fans.[/RES]
Billy Dee Williams
Lando Calrissian
Billy Dee Williams's performance as Lando Calrissian in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is a standout one, filled with charm and charisma. His portrayal of the suave, smooth-talking Calrissian adds a new dimension to the Star Wars universe, providing a contrast to the more straightforward heroism of characters like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Williams's ability to convey both Lando's roguish side and his underlying sense of honor and loyalty makes him a compelling and memorable character, and his performance is a significant contribution to the rich tapestry of 'The Empire Strikes Back'.
Anthony Daniels's performance as C-3PO in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is a standout, as he brings the protocol droid to life with his distinctive voice and physicality. Daniels's ability to convey a wide range of emotions through C-3PO's limited facial expressions and body language is impressive, and his comedic timing adds a welcome touch of levity to the film. His performance is a key factor in making C-3PO one of the most beloved characters in the 'Star Wars' universe.
David Prowse's portrayal of Darth Vader in 'The Empire Strikes Back' is a masterclass in physical performance. Despite his face being concealed by the iconic mask, Prowse manages to convey a wide range of emotions through his body language and movement. His towering presence and imposing stature make him a formidable villain, while his deliberate, calculated movements add a layer of menace to the character. Prowse's performance is a key factor in making Darth Vader one of the most iconic and enduring villains in cinema history.
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Kenneth George Baker (24 de julio de 1934 — 13 de agosto de 2016) fue un actor inglés que se dedicó al mundo del...
Alec Guinness
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Alec Guinness (2 de abril de 1914 - 5 de agosto de 2000) fue un actor británico de cine, teatro y televisión.
Equipo de El imperio contraataca
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