Episodio especial de "Doctor Who" realizado con motivo de la celebración del 50º aniversario de la serie. En la Tierra, el Undécimo Doctor y Clara descubren una peligrosa conspiración en una galería de arte. En 1562, el Décimo Doctor caza Zygons con la ayuda de la Reina Isabel. El último día de la Guerra del Tiempo, un hombre que ya no quiere llamarse "El Doctor" toma una terrible decisión: debe cometer un genocidio contra su propia raza para impedir la destrucción del Universo. Todos estos sucesos resultan estar conectados cuando tres encarnaciones del mismo Doctor deben enfrentarse al momento más terrible de sus vidas.
Cast completo de Doctor Who: El Día del Doctor
Matt Smith
The Doctor (11)
Matt Smith delivered a tour de force performance as the Eleventh Doctor in the landmark 50th-anniversary special, "Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor." His portrayal was a masterful blend of youthful exuberance and ancient wisdom, capturing the essence of a Time Lord who had seen countless wonders and horrors. Smith's Doctor was a man of deep passions and quick wits, with a dash of eccentricity that endeared him to fans. His interactions with past incarnations of the Doctor, particularly the poignant chemistry with David Tennant's Tenth Doctor, showcased Smith's ability to convey the character's complex layers of loneliness, guilt, and hope. His performance was pivotal in navigating the intricate plot, which involved the Doctor confronting the darkest chapter of his past, the Time War. Smith's Eleventh Doctor was both a celebration of the character's storied history and a beacon for the show's future, as he grappled with the moral implications of his actions and ultimately chose a path of redemption and regeneration. It was a performance that not only solidified Smith's place in the pantheon of Doctors but also underscored the enduring legacy of the series itself.
David Tennant
The Doctor (10)
David Tennant's portrayal of the Tenth Doctor in "Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor" is a masterclass in charisma and depth, showcasing his profound understanding of the character he had embodied for several years prior. In this 50th-anniversary special, Tennant slips back into the shoes of the Time Lord with an effortless grace that had made his Doctor so beloved. His performance is a blend of playful wit, profound sorrow, and an underlying current of wisdom born from centuries of experience. Tennant's Doctor is both a hero and a man haunted by his past actions, particularly the Last Great Time War. His interactions with his previous and future incarnations highlight the nuances of Tennant's acting, as he must convey both familiarity and a sense of evolution within the character. The chemistry between Tennant and his co-stars, Matt Smith and John Hurt, is electric, providing a dynamic interplay that anchors the narrative. Whether he's delivering heartfelt monologues about the cost of war or engaging in light-hearted banter, Tennant's performance is a testament to his range and his enduring place in the hearts of "Doctor Who" fans as one of the most iconic incarnations of the Doctor.
Jenna Coleman
Clara Oswald
Jenna Coleman delivered a standout performance as Clara Oswald in the landmark 50th-anniversary special of "Doctor Who," titled "The Day of the Doctor." As the Eleventh Doctor's companion, Coleman brought a sense of warmth, wit, and determination to the role, effortlessly navigating the complex narrative that wove together threads from the show's past and present. Her portrayal of Clara was pivotal, as she not only served as the audience's emotional anchor but also as a catalyst for the Doctor's own self-reflection and growth. Coleman's performance was marked by a deep chemistry with co-stars Matt Smith and David Tennant, showcasing her ability to adapt to the nuances of each Doctor's personality. Her scenes, particularly those involving time-travel paradoxes and the emotional weight of the Doctor's decisions, highlighted Clara's intelligence, compassion, and resilience. Jenna Coleman's portrayal of Clara Oswald in "Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor" solidified her as a beloved figure in the series' rich history, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of fans worldwide.
Billie Piper's portrayal of The Moment in the Doctor Who 50th-anniversary special, "The Day of the Doctor," is a masterful blend of charm, gravitas, and enigma. As The Moment, a sentient Gallifreyan weapon of mass destruction with a conscience, Piper brings a unique warmth and complexity to the role. She embodies The Moment with a serene and knowing demeanor, serving as both the moral compass and the catalyst for the pivotal decisions faced by the Doctor. Her performance is layered with a sense of ancient wisdom and a touch of playfulness, which contrasts beautifully with the weight of the impending Time War. Piper's interaction with the various incarnations of the Doctor, particularly the Tenth and the War Doctor (played by David Tennant and John Hurt, respectively), is electric, as she challenges them with the consequences of their actions, ultimately guiding them towards a path of redemption and hope. Her role is pivotal in the narrative, and Piper delivers with a performance that is both memorable and impactful, adding a new dimension to the lore of Doctor Who.